Concrete Cleaing

Concrete Cleaning

Concrete cleaning on your property can greatly enhance its curb appeal. We apply our algaecide solution as our “pre-treatment” to kill organic growth and loosen dirt from the surface. Next, we use our 31” surface scrubber to lift the unhealthy grime build up. Then we rinse off the cleaned surface. Once we apply pressure to clean, the pores in the concrete are opened which is vital for our last step. Finally, we reapply our algaecide solution as a “post-treatment” to brighten the depths of your concrete and deter future organic growth.

Our equipment utilizes less time while performing a better, deeper clean than the competition. We have a special surface scrubber that cleans street troughs, or street gutter concrete, evenly. With its beveled bars, we are able to clean miles of concrete, just ask The Magnolias HOA.